i write this lyrics when this one time I felt abandoned and isolate..i was really depressed becuz my parents was upset wif me not changing my courses to sc hayat..my dad so hping to me as adoc..they dont believe i would succeed as an engineer..well, i'm gonna prove dat they are wrong (at least i hope so.)..pray for me..muahxx
Ur dreams are crashing,
down and down,
Open ur eyes, but u let it shut,
ur knees are weak,
u could barely stand,
rite now,
u tell urself over,
again and again,
that's okay,
u'll be fine,
but u tell urself,
this aint shit,
wat would u do,
if u were in my shoes,
wat would u do,
if u see ur dreams crashed,
wat would u do,
cuz dis is it,
dis is reality,
she's too busy to see it all,
caught up in her works
never there witness,
an u r alone again,
he's too stressed,
with his boss,
never there to hear it all,
and u r left alone again,
wat would u do,
if u were in my shoes,
wat would u do,
would u runaway,
wat would u do,
would u hold ur tears back,
i'm juz way too young,
too immatured,
to handle all dis,
to experience it all,
repeat chorus
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dis song i write when i had my another breakup wif d same guy..wateva!!at dta tyme,i totally cant accept it cuz the breakup was part of my mistakes..but i'm definitely over him..yerp2okee,so here is okey,fine..owh and i believe accepting the fate u r hurt and may have a pinch of feeling for him is the baby steps in forgetting him..
I used to,
stand right,
to my point,
believe in,
the path i should take,
i've alwez been dat
i hate to admit,
My life's changing
I'm not okay,
when u r not beside me,
there for me,
my saviour,
I;mnot okey,
whenu walk away,
u r not a typical guy,
u r the only one,
I used to,
live my life,
do everything ryte,
but not now,
seems like nuthin work
without u,
c/o 2x
dis feeling is real
i feel it inside,
when i cried for days,
dis is nota fairytale,
a true luv is true,
only wif u by my side
c/o 2x
I used to,
stand right,
to my point,
believe in,
the path i should take,
i've alwez been dat
i hate to admit,
My life's changing
I'm not okay,
when u r not beside me,
there for me,
my saviour,
I;mnot okey,
whenu walk away,
u r not a typical guy,
u r the only one,
I used to,
live my life,
do everything ryte,
but not now,
seems like nuthin work
without u,
c/o 2x
dis feeling is real
i feel it inside,
when i cried for days,
dis is nota fairytale,
a true luv is true,
only wif u by my side
c/o 2x
Saturday, September 19, 2009
After one month of Ramadhan 2009
ESOK RAYE!!Kira2 mlm ni mlm raya la..aku harini baru dapat merasai kehangatan Eidul Fithri.Sebab arini baru dapat balik kg, wat rendg, psg langsir,mop lnti, vacuum lnti,then ptg g shoppg kt Tesco Semnyih.sonok tol fully ikut list..ntah la ramdhan kali ni aku rase lgik berkat kot..wat trwih ikut kehendk diri..hee..yela be4 ni wat trwih cuz undr skola..ntah appe ntah..aku da lme gle xmkn nasi smpi berguling2 ats ktil cuz msuk angin..laz2 g hspitl..kene skali msuk air..hahaa..thnx to daya, dayah, ein an kem yg was there..muahxx..syg kamoo..ak slalo trpikir npe aku sonok duk kmj??..nk kte psl dak2 dye??..sume sme je..cikgu??..sme gak..faciliti ke??..hahahaa..mybe cuz aku fully anticipate diri dri awl aku msuk smpi arini..even aku de mslh kwn ke..aku tetp xgive up..alhamdulillah, prjlnn idup oke la..so far so gud!!dlm kuliah pun xrse ngntok..even buln pose rse ngntuk still kuat tapi ak mmpu kontrol..hehee..aku da semgt nk jdik engineer ni..tato engineer ape..hahaa..tapi rsultups yg xmmbrangsngkn wat parents aku xcye pade aku..siap suh aku bli num unik id utk isi intke uitm 2nd...duii..bergoncng iman gue yg rapuh ni..penin2..tpi insyallah aku akn dpt 4 flat..xpun aku akn kluar mtrix dgn flying colours..Amin..Insyallah..aku rase duk kt KMJ..i'm more being myself..xtrikat dgn sespe..xtkut dgn sespe..tpi aku rspek sume org cuz ak tamo diperlekehkn..i like to treat peep the way i like to be treated..i mybe not get the same treatment back but i know i didnt do any harm..
okee,adios for now..
ESOK RAYE!!Kira2 mlm ni mlm raya la..aku harini baru dapat merasai kehangatan Eidul Fithri.Sebab arini baru dapat balik kg, wat rendg, psg langsir,mop lnti, vacuum lnti,then ptg g shoppg kt Tesco Semnyih.sonok tol fully ikut list..ntah la ramdhan kali ni aku rase lgik berkat kot..wat trwih ikut kehendk diri..hee..yela be4 ni wat trwih cuz undr skola..ntah appe ntah..aku da lme gle xmkn nasi smpi berguling2 ats ktil cuz msuk angin..laz2 g hspitl..kene skali msuk air..hahaa..thnx to daya, dayah, ein an kem yg was there..muahxx..syg kamoo..ak slalo trpikir npe aku sonok duk kmj??..nk kte psl dak2 dye??..sume sme je..cikgu??..sme gak..faciliti ke??..hahahaa..mybe cuz aku fully anticipate diri dri awl aku msuk smpi arini..even aku de mslh kwn ke..aku tetp xgive up..alhamdulillah, prjlnn idup oke la..so far so gud!!dlm kuliah pun xrse ngntok..even buln pose rse ngntuk still kuat tapi ak mmpu kontrol..hehee..aku da semgt nk jdik engineer ni..tato engineer ape..hahaa..tapi rsultups yg xmmbrangsngkn wat parents aku xcye pade aku..siap suh aku bli num unik id utk isi intke uitm 2nd...duii..bergoncng iman gue yg rapuh ni..penin2..tpi insyallah aku akn dpt 4 flat..xpun aku akn kluar mtrix dgn flying colours..Amin..Insyallah..aku rase duk kt KMJ..i'm more being myself..xtrikat dgn sespe..xtkut dgn sespe..tpi aku rspek sume org cuz ak tamo diperlekehkn..i like to treat peep the way i like to be treated..i mybe not get the same treatment back but i know i didnt do any harm..
okee,adios for now..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
KMJ is life...??
its been so loooonngggg...bet u guys miss me..hehee..kidding..so now, i'm officially a student at Kolej Mtrikulasi Johor, Tangkak..syurga kain..hehee..seriously, u should c the price there..it was like baamm..so low..2 mtre for rm15..plus wif the varieties..the selendang..gotta buy one..bout me..my roomies are juzt crazy and wacko..especially E'in..she is just so out of this world..the queen of senget..she is from Kluawang,Jhr..well, Dayah is so unpredictable..one time she is sweet n polite.one tyme she is tagging wif E'in to buli me..but she is still sweet.doesnt a terengganu should be like that erh??..no wnder her abg kete sport sangkut..hahaa..Emily eventhough she is kinda disconnetcted from us..but lately she cracks jokes that shocks us..cm diam2 ubi berisi la..aahh,when it comes to my prcticem..the funnest part..hahaa.ghazali, the clown of the class.zamri pon da brani ejek2 aku..apek n ct, cute kapel..faiz,topek n hadi trio..naim,the fzk psiko.ekhzarizal,really the unexpected..Didi, tersentaq akaq style..ngade2 tol dak tu..nme je ktue..aishh..girls..hahaa.me, dayah an ama are the senget one.hahaa..nabila the moody one.ct the sweet trengganu.aida, the quens of riddles..hahaa.sri erna ervinnaa,man it tickles even juz thinking of her..then ain..hahaa..lgik senget..hazirah,diam2 ubi trbakar..shida,the cute one.kak sham, the kindadat accidentally hit ur buttons..as crazy as my lefe turn out to be, my grade are also gradually increasing..i kissing the bullshit off..i'm more confident but more crzay n hepi..being wif them is my life now..i'm gonna make dis a tear dat i wont forget.juz finished my ups..chem, math n bi was okay but fzk is jzu so out of dis world..people had been expecting me getting the best..but wat if i didnt.huu...well, i hope for the best!!(duh, doesnt everybody..hahaa)
to all my fwen in subang jaya, putrajaya, jempol, johro..wherever u r are..i would really luv to meet up againg..life has been a rollercoaster for me..hope u guys had fun on ur ride too..hehee..
luv u..
to all my fwen in subang jaya, putrajaya, jempol, johro..wherever u r are..i would really luv to meet up againg..life has been a rollercoaster for me..hope u guys had fun on ur ride too..hehee..
luv u..
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
while i was having my dinner, i was watching the berita utama of tv3. so i saw mahmoud ahmadinejad was speaking.i think he said something bad the Jewish. so when he was starting his speech.
there was someone wearing clown's hair(afro yg warne-warni) throwing a little junk at him and shouting"you are racist!!"thanks god.someone quickly dragged him out. and there he commented "forgive that guy because he was uneducated"so the audience laughed to his comment.
As he continue about the Jewish who was invading the Palestine's.how bad is that.most of the Americans and their allies, walk out of the conference room as a sign of protest. so he continued his speech like nothing happen.
I always had this look upon him because for me he is brave and loud for his opinion. he is an Islam President that we should look up for.i read on wikipedia about his simple life.
one day when his son was accessing internet way too long, he asked him to stop by saying"i cant pay the internet bill if its too much"
so, this is his site in wikipedia.
p/s: he is the current president of Iran
there was someone wearing clown's hair(afro yg warne-warni) throwing a little junk at him and shouting"you are racist!
As he continue about the Jewish who was invading the Palestine'
I always had this look upon him because for me he is brave and loud for his opinion. he is an Islam President that we should look up for.i read on wikipedia about his simple life.
one day when his son was accessing internet way too long, he asked him to stop by saying"i cant pay the internet bill if its too much"
so, this is his site in wikipedia.
p/s: he is the current president of Iran
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
matriks result out tomorrow, 17 april 2009!!
okey, guys its out TOMORROW. u can either check it out under..you have to register in
1) through website of the ministry of education check inwith your ic number and your registration number of spm, www.moe.gov.my/bmkpm
2) send MOE (space) MA(space) your ic number(without hypen) to 15888
e.g.: MOE MAT 1234567890123
3)telephone straight away to 0388844100
okey,gudluck to u guys. okey, share with me. i'll share mine too..
1) through website of the ministry of education check inwith your ic number and your registration number of spm, www.moe.gov.my/bmkpm
2) send MOE (space) MA(space) your ic number(without hypen) to 15888
e.g.: MOE MAT 1234567890123
3)telephone straight away to 0388844100
okey,gudluck to u guys. okey, share with me. i'll share mine too..
Friday, April 3, 2009
hey guys.its been so damn long.oky, first question,have you ever said things like you would damn swear you would never do because you think its like what bad because your friend does it. but by the end of the day, or any day you did it. me??i hadnt break any swear that i had swear. oke, confession.i kinda hate one of my classmate who like to swear too much like zikir you know.he said it loud and clear,well, i do swear now.but not like saying it out loud.yes, i am reffering to my guy classmate who has the face but absolutely zero on manners.okey,back to the whole point.so i like has this friends. 2 friends i'm pointing here. one was the said about the tudung. she likes point my other close friend who like kejap pakai kejap x.but my friends who has been point wears tudung on and off myspace.so the one that have been pointing out wears..shit, i shouldnt been shitting about this.okey, my exactly point is, the situation here is like licking your spits. my friend had asked me would i be looking her differently(my other friend is the messenger) if she did like something she used to bitch about others.(this involving what she do with her bf)yeah, she did it. so i got another friend who her bf kissed her forehead.right it start with hand then god know what will happen.so, again i said i'm just your so called bff.but there is still line between my life and your life.you never get my life right.so i wouldnt set your life right.if your family approves your relationship why would i like sebok2 what would you be doing.its your life beb. hey, i will look at you differently because people always changed for good or bad.it helps you in life.you are learning something right, i hope.
i always feel like is shitting me.my friends is changing.is somewhat pulling me to their vibes.dragging me to say its okay to be bad sometimes.but i aint breking my promises.again and again its okay if you are single. its okay just to do something that will..whatever babe.its like i dont do guys and date. its like i'm a jerk magnet.or somewhat when we are an item, he turn to a jerk.and when i head over heels.i'm truly it until i hit my head hard.
i dont like talking about myself because i'm afraid they might get bored.trust me i can read your face dear when you get bored or you just dont get it.or maybe when i was pouring out my hear to a teacher that i trust. yeah, so it was public.so there was people who stared.so why oh why teacher you have to do the boring face so obvious why i was like crying like hell.damn adults are just so not trustworthy.yeah, its a normal teenager probs.peer's jealousy.but wathefuck!!i dont normally talk about my problems to peoples because i dont like to bicth about others.hahaa.but somehow i just cant stand it.i'm human afterall.sometimes i wish i would die faster.lesser problems because i'm super duper fragile.i bleed my heart everytime. i would be doing suiciding any minute now but that's would be one-way ticket to hell.forever.ever.
enough shittying about my life.so my question again.have you ever break your swear.simple says.lick your spits??
i always feel like is shitting me.my friends is changing.is somewhat pulling me to their vibes.dragging me to say its okay to be bad sometimes.but i aint breking my promises.again and again its okay if you are single. its okay just to do something that will..whatever babe.its like i dont do guys and date. its like i'm a jerk magnet.or somewhat when we are an item, he turn to a jerk.and when i head over heels.i'm truly it until i hit my head hard.
i dont like talking about myself because i'm afraid they might get bored.trust me i can read your face dear when you get bored or you just dont get it.or maybe when i was pouring out my hear to a teacher that i trust. yeah, so it was public.so there was people who stared.so why oh why teacher you have to do the boring face so obvious why i was like crying like hell.damn adults are just so not trustworthy.yeah, its a normal teenager probs.peer's jealousy.but wathefuck!!i dont normally talk about my problems to peoples because i dont like to bicth about others.hahaa.but somehow i just cant stand it.i'm human afterall.sometimes i wish i would die faster.lesser problems because i'm super duper fragile.i bleed my heart everytime. i would be doing suiciding any minute now but that's would be one-way ticket to hell.forever.ever.
enough shittying about my life.so my question again.have you ever break your swear.simple says.lick your spits??
Friday, March 6, 2009
to all spm candidates of spm 2008!!!
hey guys listen up!!
so the DAY is like getting nearer like every second for me..dont know it for others..but for me yes..nervous is normal..so, if u r not, then u r so abnormal..hee.juz kidding.so, i'm was browsing through this websites finding the right scholarship.anywhere from korea or japan. me myslef i havent really decided what i'm focusing i guess i;m juz relying on my result.if my bio pass so i'll guess i'll be focusing in medic stuff.pharmacy or physiotheraphy,dentist.so, for pothers out there that have already decided a congratulation is in order.enough about this stuff.let's get serious.so this is couples of websites
me personally think its better u google it or yahoo it.type it more specific, like
"application form for.....scholarship".better scope. so for all of us, dont stop praying. n my friends was saying about getting mimpi about the result.but my other friends was aying is was all about mainan only.so tell me.dont be afraid to share.cuz sharing is caring.if u ever feeling confused or xkeruan i like to say.remember Him.cuz He knows best.
take care..
u noe i luv u too.
so the DAY is like getting nearer like every second for me..dont know it for others..but for me yes..nervous is normal..so, if u r not, then u r so abnormal..hee.juz kidding.so, i'm was browsing through this websites finding the right scholarship.anywhere from korea or japan. me myslef i havent really decided what i'm focusing i guess i;m juz relying on my result.if my bio pass so i'll guess i'll be focusing in medic stuff.pharmacy or physiotheraphy,dentist.so, for pothers out there that have already decided a congratulation is in order.enough about this stuff.let's get serious.so this is couples of websites
me personally think its better u google it or yahoo it.type it more specific, like
"application form for.....scholarship".better scope. so for all of us, dont stop praying. n my friends was saying about getting mimpi about the result.but my other friends was aying is was all about mainan only.so tell me.dont be afraid to share.cuz sharing is caring.if u ever feeling confused or xkeruan i like to say.remember Him.cuz He knows best.
take care..
u noe i luv u too.
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ur boss scold u like again??Ur teacher hate u??Computer or laptop hang??ur hair or tudung is a mess?? chill..i got some good tps how to de-stress..why i'm so sure..maybe cuz I got it from a newspaper..maybe cuz I'm always so streeful..maybe cuz i try it myself, it works so u should try it too..
1. Exercise..
>For some people that already sighed by that words.dont be.the definion here doesnt meaning streching out your muscles like hell. warms up you know start from head to toes.or if u a lazybum like me you could walk fast like for 10 minuts plus some hand strestch up and down,left and right. go jogging. or play ur favorite sports.or jumping around. the easiest, turn on the music, do it like lady gaga, just dance.
2.Deep breathing
>this is the easiest.stop whatever u r doing. take a real deep breath until ur hidung like kembang kempis..or until like actually feel air flowing through ur lungs. count backward from 10 to 0..try again like from three times..with ur eyes closed if u have to..take a break for a while..chill.
3. Play
> Remember when u used to play like for hours until ur mom had to drag u back home..get that memory back. U noe play like a child.blew some noisemaker.Blew some balloon.play the seesaw, swing like hell, down the slide..but dude, dont push the kids okay..
4. Treat Urself
> Go to the shopping mall, buy the dress that you have been longing like for a loong time, dip into some chocolates..my fav, Cadbury Black Forest, go to spa..buy anything that u desire. but remember dont got too carry away cuz maybe u might regret it later.
5. Talk
>Get the phones and start talk..Or u should talk to ur pets..find the right person to talk to..maybe u need someone to talk back, help you out, solving ur problems..or maybe u need someone juz listening..to hug u..but the most important would not be critising ur problems..
6. Sleep
>u might wanna set the time u should already asleep..every nite..disorder sleeping time will ruin ur concentration during the day..at least get a good sleep 6 hours per day..real good sleep. put ur handphones or anything tehcno stuff away from our bed..it will still gave some radiant which is a total no-no for ur good sleep.. dont do anything that is tiring at least 30 minutes before u sleep. chill.let ur mind doodle for awhile.
7.Eat right
>When u r feeling stress u feel like munchin.so munch the right food, apple, grapes. Eat your veggies and fruits..
Friday, January 16, 2009
the morning banana diet..cam senng jew..
Eat a banana for breakfast (SENANG TU WEH!!)
* You can eat more than one, and in fact the inventor of the diet often ate four (smallish Philippines) bananas in the morning, but don’t stuff yourself to the point of fullness or discomfort. * Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas. * Other fruit may be substituted. * If other fruit is substituted, some variants require it be restricted to one type of fruit per meal. * If you are still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after your banana, you can eat other food (the Japanese inventor of the original Asa Banana Diet sometimes ate a rice ball two and a half hours later, about 200 calories worth; Morning Banana forum members have suggested oatmeal, although it’s not as portable as a rice ball).
Eat normally for lunch and dinner (MAKAN KENE KONTROL LA SENANG CITE.TAPI AKU SLALO MAKAN KOL 8.030 HUU)
* Dinner must be eaten by 8 p.m. at the latest (6 p.m. is better). * There are no explicit limits on the types of food you can eat for lunch and dinner, or the amount. But in practice dieters report on Mixi that they try to cut the amount of rice they eat and find substitutions for fried foods. As with many diets, the mere fact you have decided to go on a diet tends to make you more aware of what and how much you are are eating and how healthy it is. The diet avoids strict food rules to prevent a sense of deprivation. * However, you should not eat a dessert with dinner or any of your meals; you’ll need to satisfy your sweet tooth during a snack, but we’ll get to that later. * At all meals you should eat only until you’re satisfied but not full or stuffed. The Japanese have a proverb, Hara hachibu ni isha irazu, “A stomach eight-tenths full needs no doctor.” American dietitians define this level of fullness or satiety as a 7 on a 1-to-10 “hunger scale,” and they teach their clients to recognize this feeling.
Drink only water (MINUM AIR SUAM BEB)
* The only beverage allowed at most meals is water, preferably mineral or filtered. * The water must be at room temperature, not chilled or hot. * The water should be drunk in small sips and not used to wash down food. * There is no quota of water to drink, and you should not drink it in excess. * Outside of meals non-caloric beverages like tea, coffee, and diet soda are generally allowed but somewhat frowned upon, and in general water is encouraged as much as possible; frequent consumption of milk products is discouraged. * On social occasions you may drink beer or wine.
* Chew your banana and other food thorouoghly and be mindful of its taste.
* A sweet snack of chocolate, cookies, or the like is allowed at about 3 p.m. * Ice cream, a donut, or potato chips are not recommended. * Some substitute fresh fruit for their snack, but if you want sweets you should not deny yourself. * Some Japanese who like salty snacks eat salted konbu (seaweed) snacks and some Japanese who are very hungry in the afternoon substitute a filling, fist-sized rice ball for sweets. * A good alternative if a salty or more filling snack is needed is popcorn according to Morning Banana forum members, but watch out for excessive fat content. * If you are hungry after dinner, you may have a second snack of fresh fruit, but this should not be a habit.
* Go to bed by midnight. If you can manage to go to bed earlier, all the better. * Try to aim for a four-hour period between your last meal or snack and bedtime (which is why 8:00 p.m. is the latest you should eat dinner).
* Put no pressure on yourself to exercise. * If you want to exercise, go ahead: the test is to do what puts the least stress on you. * But try to get some walking in every day if possible (but again, don’t force yourself if it stresses you out). * If you want a traditional Japanese light workout, consider taking up the kendama.
* Because the original Japanese banana diet was developed on the internet, many successful Japanese dieters naturally documented their daily food intake and progress online via blogs, forums, or social networking services, and they felt this gave them extra support (we have prepared a Morning Banana Diet Forum with individual food blogs for your use). * Because of the diet’s emphasis on digestive processes, some Morning Banana Diet journalers record a bit “too much information”
Eat a banana for breakfast (SENANG TU WEH!!)
* You can eat more than one, and in fact the inventor of the diet often ate four (smallish Philippines) bananas in the morning, but don’t stuff yourself to the point of fullness or discomfort. * Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas. * Other fruit may be substituted. * If other fruit is substituted, some variants require it be restricted to one type of fruit per meal. * If you are still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after your banana, you can eat other food (the Japanese inventor of the original Asa Banana Diet sometimes ate a rice ball two and a half hours later, about 200 calories worth; Morning Banana forum members have suggested oatmeal, although it’s not as portable as a rice ball).
Eat normally for lunch and dinner (MAKAN KENE KONTROL LA SENANG CITE.TAPI AKU SLALO MAKAN KOL 8.030 HUU)
* Dinner must be eaten by 8 p.m. at the latest (6 p.m. is better). * There are no explicit limits on the types of food you can eat for lunch and dinner, or the amount. But in practice dieters report on Mixi that they try to cut the amount of rice they eat and find substitutions for fried foods. As with many diets, the mere fact you have decided to go on a diet tends to make you more aware of what and how much you are are eating and how healthy it is. The diet avoids strict food rules to prevent a sense of deprivation. * However, you should not eat a dessert with dinner or any of your meals; you’ll need to satisfy your sweet tooth during a snack, but we’ll get to that later. * At all meals you should eat only until you’re satisfied but not full or stuffed. The Japanese have a proverb, Hara hachibu ni isha irazu, “A stomach eight-tenths full needs no doctor.” American dietitians define this level of fullness or satiety as a 7 on a 1-to-10 “hunger scale,” and they teach their clients to recognize this feeling.
Drink only water (MINUM AIR SUAM BEB)
* The only beverage allowed at most meals is water, preferably mineral or filtered. * The water must be at room temperature, not chilled or hot. * The water should be drunk in small sips and not used to wash down food. * There is no quota of water to drink, and you should not drink it in excess. * Outside of meals non-caloric beverages like tea, coffee, and diet soda are generally allowed but somewhat frowned upon, and in general water is encouraged as much as possible; frequent consumption of milk products is discouraged. * On social occasions you may drink beer or wine.
* Chew your banana and other food thorouoghly and be mindful of its taste.
* A sweet snack of chocolate, cookies, or the like is allowed at about 3 p.m. * Ice cream, a donut, or potato chips are not recommended. * Some substitute fresh fruit for their snack, but if you want sweets you should not deny yourself. * Some Japanese who like salty snacks eat salted konbu (seaweed) snacks and some Japanese who are very hungry in the afternoon substitute a filling, fist-sized rice ball for sweets. * A good alternative if a salty or more filling snack is needed is popcorn according to Morning Banana forum members, but watch out for excessive fat content. * If you are hungry after dinner, you may have a second snack of fresh fruit, but this should not be a habit.
* Go to bed by midnight. If you can manage to go to bed earlier, all the better. * Try to aim for a four-hour period between your last meal or snack and bedtime (which is why 8:00 p.m. is the latest you should eat dinner).
* Put no pressure on yourself to exercise. * If you want to exercise, go ahead: the test is to do what puts the least stress on you. * But try to get some walking in every day if possible (but again, don’t force yourself if it stresses you out). * If you want a traditional Japanese light workout, consider taking up the kendama.
* Because the original Japanese banana diet was developed on the internet, many successful Japanese dieters naturally documented their daily food intake and progress online via blogs, forums, or social networking services, and they felt this gave them extra support (we have prepared a Morning Banana Diet Forum with individual food blogs for your use). * Because of the diet’s emphasis on digestive processes, some Morning Banana Diet journalers record a bit “too much information”
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
u r so yesterday(lyric)
hey dear,
tell me again,
i'm the one for you,
the one you dream,
every night,
hey dear,
tell me again,
u'll be there for me,
for tears or smile,
c/o 2x:
so, u r so yesterday,
all i wanna hear,
its not real,
its just a fairytale,
hey dear,
i'm addicted to you,
u r my disease,
for dis time and real,
hey dear,
i know i got to let go,
but i dont know how,
maybe dis is it,
c/o 2x
i dont how i could live,
no matter how my lips lie,
it is for us,
u can let ur mask off,
tell me again,
i'm the one for you,
the one you dream,
every night,
hey dear,
tell me again,
u'll be there for me,
for tears or smile,
c/o 2x:
so, u r so yesterday,
all i wanna hear,
its not real,
its just a fairytale,
hey dear,
i'm addicted to you,
u r my disease,
for dis time and real,
hey dear,
i know i got to let go,
but i dont know how,
maybe dis is it,
c/o 2x
i dont how i could live,
no matter how my lips lie,
it is for us,
u can let ur mask off,
new year resolution(not really new year..hehe)
last year(27/12/2008),i was grip by this form that my mum brought back home.so,there was this like motivatuional+ibadah camp..n there was my dream,flying fox.i told myself i gotta do this..haha..i've been dying to try this out..so,i was like the age limit was 17..so,i was thinking no way in hell a 17 wulb be doin dis camp..no normal 17 wuld a camp.trust me.so i was right.full marks for me!!haha..i was the only 17.the only human been or the peserta.ok,there was one faci dat was 17(which i found out at the 2nd day,duh)but dat was excluded okay.there was i the penghuluwati leading immatured kids..haha..so,the penghulu is really a total clowna bit annoying.so,i was hanging out all the time wif my lil sis,Fathiyah(16),Mira(16) and her two lil sis.,Mira's younger sister was hanging out wif my lil sis.so,i culd found my own friends.at least they were much matured than the other kids.so,the 2nd day we went into the nur bukit unggul resort.we went jungletrekking.it was real,tiring like hell.but i luv it.i mean i totally do wallclimbing with water n stuff.n we cook in the jungle in Mestings(i dunt even noe if i spell it right..hehe)they only give us a bottle of mineral water for the whole fucking day.so,there was i up and down wif syahirah(14,i hink.matrured kid)getting fresh river water.i mean my team cook nasi,sardin and telur hancur.i think.haha..luckily everyone survived.haha.there back to the hq again.we diud flying fox.so,boys first.cuz other big girls were too chicken i had to do it to save the day.the first two contestant was two 9 years old kids.shame on the big ones.so,there was i wif my lil sis hanging on the flying fox.so,being the first dat was stuck i didnt scream.gimmeahell.n givin them all the fun laughing us out.wateva.so childish.i mean there is juz no way in hell they r ginna left us hanging there all day.hell yeah.maybe i was shaking climbing up the ladders.but no way i screaming like immatured girls.for fucking fact,i'm 17.so, there i was smiling like a miss universe.n other girls got left hanging too.yurp,they scream their lungs out.so,wateva.next,it was time for boys get over girls' number.like a usual camp.yadayada.so,i was the oldest.i didnt really have gud memory wif the boys.i was in free-boys-condition.so,there was dis one hot form 4 guy.but he was checking out wif Mira.so,no biggies actually.in university i gonna meet up wig sum gud guys dat will be my normal friends.there i was always be the second of the best to first the best.i'm actually tired of it.i mean u hanging wif most of all ur friends dt is technically the hotties n hanging wif the most hot boy.but there will never recognise u.
okay,so the tajuk was new year resolutions.who cares!new year is so yesterdat.here i am.stuck here in kedai.i couldnt start driving cuz my mum wouldnt let me.so,my mum want to sent to english kurus thing.i mean dat is so lame.so,last sunday.i lepak wif paten n fisya n yana ms.the only friend who i s currently available.so,we watch the spirit.it was fun.the hero who i still dunt know is totally has a sexy voice.i mean i find the story is interesting but i wuld never recommend it to others.i was in the mood for bedtime story but my friends werent.so, the spirit was comic book turnd film(i juz noe).then,we went jalan2.so yana ms was late but she still wanted to watch Outlander.so,there she watch the muvie wif kapak.i dunno who i shoud feel sorie for, me or her.so,next me ,fisya n paten went karaoke.it was fun like hell.then,each of us was sakit tekak.cuz it seems like each of us really need the break.haha.we were doing songs like Jatuh Cinta,Isabella(yeah,like wat??) and couples more of songs.haha.so,there was this guy that keep walking forward and backward wif this pewangi.he was so cute.and that jus it.haha.so,then we lepak at Pizza Hut.i had my Burger Kings which i bought from Ummu.she is still the sweet aUmmu..huhu..i mish her so much!!so there was it at Apex,i think Fauzan.yerp.so people if u mish sum of the form 5 of smkpj1 n maybe from sum other skool in Putrajaya,u might wanna walk around the fast food outlet.hehee..
so,that's the story of my life for now.until then,take care and muahxx.
u noe u luv me,
okay,so the tajuk was new year resolutions.who cares!new year is so yesterdat.here i am.stuck here in kedai.i couldnt start driving cuz my mum wouldnt let me.so,my mum want to sent to english kurus thing.i mean dat is so lame.so,last sunday.i lepak wif paten n fisya n yana ms.the only friend who i s currently available.so,we watch the spirit.it was fun.the hero who i still dunt know is totally has a sexy voice.i mean i find the story is interesting but i wuld never recommend it to others.i was in the mood for bedtime story but my friends werent.so, the spirit was comic book turnd film(i juz noe).then,we went jalan2.so yana ms was late but she still wanted to watch Outlander.so,there she watch the muvie wif kapak.i dunno who i shoud feel sorie for, me or her.so,next me ,fisya n paten went karaoke.it was fun like hell.then,each of us was sakit tekak.cuz it seems like each of us really need the break.haha.we were doing songs like Jatuh Cinta,Isabella(yeah,like wat??) and couples more of songs.haha.so,there was this guy that keep walking forward and backward wif this pewangi.he was so cute.and that jus it.haha.so,then we lepak at Pizza Hut.i had my Burger Kings which i bought from Ummu.she is still the sweet aUmmu..huhu..i mish her so much!!so there was it at Apex,i think Fauzan.yerp.so people if u mish sum of the form 5 of smkpj1 n maybe from sum other skool in Putrajaya,u might wanna walk around the fast food outlet.hehee..
so,that's the story of my life for now.until then,take care and muahxx.
u noe u luv me,
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